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Institute for population and human studies
  • Nasselenie Review
  • ISSN 0205-0617    (Print)
    ISSN 2367-9174 (Online)

Manuscript formatting requirements

    1. Languages: Bulgarian or English
    2. File name: family name of the author (of the first author)
    3. Title page:
      1. In Bulgarian
        • it should include the article title;
        • first and family names of the author;
        • academic ranks, positions and degrees of the author (authors);
        • name of present employer;
        • abstract of the articles (not exceeding 250 words);
        • keywords (not exceeding 6);
        • E-mail address of the author (authors).
      2. In English
        • it should include the article title;
        • first and family names of the author;
        • academic ranks, positions and degrees of the author (authors);
        • name of present employer;
        • abstract of the articles (not exceeding 250 words);
        • keywords (not exceeding 6);
        • E-mail address of the author (authors).
    4. Manuscript length:
      • Articles: not to exceed 36 000 characters with blank spaces.
      • Studies: not to exceed 63 000 characters with blank spaces.
      • Literature reviews: not to exceed 63 000 characters with blank spaces.
      • Maximum lengths include text with blank spaces, tables, figures, appendices, references, abstract and keywords.
    5. Text, tables and figures:
      • Text and tables should be in MS-Word format. Figures and maps should be sent in a separate file along with the datasets that were used to produce them (especially for Excel figures)
      • All tables and figures should be in Times New Roman font.
      • All figures should be black-and-white and readable.
      • There should be a reference to each table, figure in the text.
      • Titles are over the tables and below figures.
      • Authors should ensure that the title, legend and source are clearly indicated on each table and figure.
    6. Text formatting:
      • Font: Times New Roman;
      • Font size: 12;
      • Line spacing: Single;
      • First line: 1, 25 cm.
    7. Mathematical formulas:
      • To be numbered sequentially in square brackets in the right-hand margin, referenced in the body of the text and legibly presented.
    8. Footnotes: to be numbered sequentially; should not contain tables or illustrations.
    9. References:
      • To be presented at the end of the article, in alphabetical order and chronologically for each author. All references in Cyrillic alphabet should be listed before the references in Latin alphabet.
      • To be indicated in the body of the text as (Gueorguiev, 2016: 5-18), (Tsoneva et al., 2013: 28; Petrov and Ivanov, 2005: 353-354).
      • All references in Cyrillic should be transliterated according to the BSS (see the Act on Transliteration) and translated in English.
      • The references should be formatted in the following style (surname followed by first name in lower case for each author, Bold):


      1. For a journal article: Ivanova, A., V. Petrova (2007). Economics determinants effects on the health status change among the elderly population in Bulgaria. Economic Alternatives, 12 (2), pp. 81-103.
      2. For a monograph: Petrov, B. (2012). Development and Social Progress Policies. Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Press, 270 p.
      3. For a book chapter: Petrov, B., A. Ivanov (2011). Status and dynamics of employment among people over 50. In: A. Gueorguiev and B. Alexandrov (eds.). Statistical overview of elderly people. Sofia, Albatros PH, pp. 109-130.


    10. Notes: Internet sources and others are listed in a separate list after References and the website address and the date of accession should be indicated:

Eurostat. At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold, age and sex. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database. Date of access: 20.04.2017.

  1. Send manuscripts at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.